Movie Channel

Syria,once origins of Mesopotamia civilization but now Years of war and pain pervade this country

Once one of the origins of Mesopotamia civilization Syria Damascus was a famous ancient city Years of war and pain pervade this country The children’s innocent faces are also full of vigilance Traveldom does not recommend you to travel to Syria But May the war cease soon Then Kids can smile on their faces (Visited […]

Paris (French version), romantic, Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles

Nulle part ne peut être plus romantique que Paris Regarder la Joconde et la Vénus de Milo au Louvre Appréciez le style différent de Notre Dame de Paris du célèbre roman Danser devant la tour Eiffel Écoutez la Marseillaise dans l’Arc de Triomphe N’oubliez pas d’aller au château de Versailles Avec des bâtiments luxueux, riches […]

Istanbul , Turkey, Europe and Asia,Hagia Sophia , the Blue Mosque,Galata Tower,Dolmabahce Palace

The city where Europe and Asia meet Istanbul is a place of fusion Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque are across the street The former is rich and exquisite inside, becoming the design template for later mosques The latter is the only mosque with six towers, covered with blue glazed porcelain Galata Tower not far […]

Wuzhen,Small bridge, flowing water, awning boat

Small bridge, flowing water, awning boat Wuzhen, come with the breath of Chinese ink painting Carved beams, painted buildings, stone lanes and old houses bear witness to history The ship is the agility of the town The slow life of the people in the small town is shaken by the award Shake during the golden […]

Copenhagen,mermaid,Denmark,kingdom of fairytales,Michelin,Nyhavn,Amalienborg Palace,Gifion Fountain

Pursuing the mermaid described by Andersen Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, regarded as kingdom of fairytales The charm is not limited Most numbers of Michelin restaurants in the world are here Cycling to punch in the popular Nyhavn full of restaurants with delicious and fresh eel and herring Go to the Amalienborg Palace to watch […]

Winter of Huang Mountain, winter snow, vivid rocks, Snow trees , silver pines

Climbing the Huang Mountain in China then you do not need to see any other mountain in the world. The beauty of Huang Mountain after winter snow is beyond description. The vivid rocks of Huang Mountain are more beautiful and cute in the snow Snow trees and silver pines all over the world on the […]

Alaska,the last piece of pure land,Denali National Park,brown bears, reindeer and elk,aurora

Come to Alaska after you’ve enjoyed all beauty of the world People call it “the last piece of pure land” Harding Ice field is the model of the Movie “Ice Age” Get close to nature in Denali National Park Mount McKinley is the highest peak in North America like a giant diamond located in Alaska […]

Niagara Falls, largest waterfalls, U.S. and Canada, waterfall, rainbow

Niagara Falls is one of the three largest waterfalls in the world Located on the border of the U.S. and Canada As if thousands of troops roared down Arouse countless jade beads After the rain, the waterfall under the rainbow is more magical In autumn, it is full of poetry In winter, it is full […]

Seattle , romance,Mount Rainier ,West of America

A city full of romance To experience a pleasant sleepless night To see the most beautiful sunrise Beautiful scenery and good food can have both The transit station you must take Let various cultural exhibitions activate your brain Let the magical Mount Rainier heal your mind Let the cute animals relax your mood Let Travedom […]

Tokyo, Japanese, Asakusa, Edo style,kimono,Imperial Palace, sushi

Tokyo is full of vitality and pace of this modern age Also retains the essence of Japanese cultural tradition The romance under the cherry trees in Ueno Park cannot be missed Asakusa is full of Edo style with many old shops Go to Ginza to see the busiest streets in Asia Go to the Imperial […]


If life has a white dress If the world has a far end Then it must be Antarctica Entering here, you broke into a foreign planet Like a wandering in heaven And the ancient song that flows in silence Penguins naturally vent their joy On the vast rest of the icefield The glaciers of Paradise […]

Hokkaido , lavender,white snow,Snow country trains,ice and snow romance

Hokkaido not only has lavender But also with the prettiest white snow Snow country trains in comics can be seen everywhere The red torii is more vivid in the snow When the snow is falling, the whole world is like a fairy tale The kingdom of ice and snow that makes people forget everything Traveldom […]